Wednesday, September 12, 2012


its like we don't even talk anymore. i feel like i might as well still be thousands of miles away. The air was still. Stale. Heavy. Even though the ceiling fan was on high, it felt as if there was no circulation. Every breath felt dry. No moisture just heat. It's the texas weather. I feel sadder then normal. Maybe the air is to blame. At least that gives it a reason. I feel uneasy. Betrayed. Withough proof. Just undying doubt. You're right there. Yet I cannot seem to form words. I blame the air.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

this is why i don't talk a lot

nothing i write makes sense. i think im crazy.

actually. i know im crazy.

yeah that's about it. i've been up way to long and am a little sleep deprived.

but all i can keep thinking about is cigerettes.
fuck you nicotine sticks of happiness

i think im gonna go finish my subway from earlier

and maybe smoke another cigg.. just maybe

how come after everything i just wanna say something hella fucked up

say a guy says "happy holidays!!!!"

i wanna be like go fucking shove a stocking down your throat you dumb ass peice of shit.  no one cares. FUCK fucking christmas.. and FUCK YOU. i'm sick of this happy holidays shit. i wanna shove him down the fucking chimmney. god damn. 

is that wrong?

i think im a little bipolar.

ha and i even went and got christmas stockings, candles, and a a mini looking tree thing for our house so we could make the house have more holiday spirit.. but yet i'm still so angry at everyone elses holiday spirit.
its like a hypocritical scrooge or something.  yeah. i need help. a lot of help.  actually tons of help.

someone save me from my mess of a mind.

ignore the blind

i'm not shaggy
i'll admit it was me.
i tossed it in the trash
ever feel invisible. forgotten

ignored. not important
i try to fix it. its cracks more
i try harder
it breaks in my hands
i keep trying
but then it crumbles
it falls right through my
i feel numb
my eyes burn
i try to catch the peices
i fall to my knees
i do everything i can
i keep telling myself

it won't break.
it won't happen like this

but nothing changes
my hope is gone
its not working
the peices are too small

theres nothing i can do
its lost
its gone
nothing but a memory
a broken heart
and guilty hands
it can't end like this
i need you more than ever
the noose of guilt grows tighter
i ask for forgiveness
but you move farther
i'm helpless. alone.
and only you can set me free
as much as i wish
as much as i plead
its always too late
you already forgot me

i know its bad. sorry for whoevers time i wasted. i was sober. and sadly that was the result

ha and it fucking sucks major balls.  and.. sorry again for whoever read it. its hard to recover from such crap

won't think about it to much

i love my mom. my best friend. all my friends. the crazy people who surround me.  ha all my family when they aren't being totally deranged. i started writing about how much i hate christmas right now not being with my family.. but me being miserable and angry doesn't help shit.  i just realized how important the people around me are.  how i couldn't survive without them.  i wouldn't want to survive without them.  and i love them. all of them.

just ANOTHER chapter in my life

being a broke college student.. literally.
living not even paycheck to paycheck..haha
just day to day. 
eating straight peanut butter for two days because that's all the food in the house
being hungry, bored, cigerette deprived, and sober is an awful mix.
.. trust me.

but then today,,
my bestie found a paycheck from about two months ago for 50 dollars,
ha its like when were running out of hope.. we always find something to keep up going.

my minds a mess


for some reason i always seem to find the meaning of life when i'm high, but as soon as i am sober enough to grasp the concept, i forget it. 

when i finally have the time to write i'm always at a loss for words.

my defense is either be quiet or a bitch.  when i'm pushed into a corner its either or.  i don't know how to put how i feel and what i think into words without being sarcastic, making a joke, or just not saying anything.  it may sound stupid but i can't just put myself out there.  everyone around me defenses are down,, but i'm still paranoid and still feel tense.  i don't like serious conversations.  or just conversations that i feel any pressure. that's the real reason i can't be in a relationship.. i have a guard up. always. with everyone. everyday i keep building up the wall and its growing up taller and taller and even i barely know whats behind the wall now.. no guy will ever truely fall for me, cause they cant.  i don't let them. a few think they do.. but im not even sure what part of me they can actually see.  my fear is being alone, but in some twisted way its where i feel the safest.  i want the fucking wall to break. to shatter. to fall to fucking peices.  its whats seperating me from life. from living.  it sucks when the main thing seperating me from happiness is me.  its like i want myself to be miserable. to suffer.  i won't let myself live.

you know its fucked up when you know whats wrong but your too scared to change.  i'm scared of life. of living. i hate how scared i am.  i'm nervous almost 24/7. i worry about stupid shit most people never even think about. things like when people say goodbye as they leave are they gonna give me a hug? shake my hand? do some stupid ass hand thing? and then i start worrying about how im gonna make it akward. how stupid im gonna look. i seriously hate goobyes.  i'll avoid them anytime i can.  and i noticed anytime i say goodbye to anyone... i look down after,, like im ashamed. i don't know what to say. i literally can't say bye.  like the words are so hard for me to say.. not cause i'm gonna necessarily miss the person,, its cause when i feel someone looking at me waiting for me to say something,, talking feels almost impossible.  like i can't get the words to form and if i do my voice is always hella quiet which makes me feel more nervous.  it's like one giant mess over absolutely nothing. 

i hate who i've become.

this is not how it has to be.  the wall will break.  it will not end like this.  i wont let it destroy me.  it won't destroy me.  i will be the person i want to be. 

Friday, December 17, 2010

myspace mess

lol! thats so funny. dude tony james christopher and bryan tried to make cookie dough and added too much water and theyre cookie came out sick looking but they said it tasted really good lol
----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Peanut
To: ~Dot~
Date: Mar 23, 2009 9:29 PM
Subject: RE: pasta
hahaha. dude!!!

when i first read this i was hella creeped out
cause the beginning of the message said
"ur eating on of those pasta things right now"

and i am!!! haha i was thinking
"how the hell does she know that??"

...but then i got it. ahaha.

mammoth jaw? ahahah rhino dike

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: ~Dot~
To: Peanut
Date: Mar 20, 2009 7:56 PM
Subject: pasta

ur eating one of those pasta things right now in front of me at janets lol mammoth jaw


the mall was fun today. dude joe is hella sexual lmao poor moni. it kinda makes me wonder if he really is gona pull her dress up at prom lol dude im sure ull find a rockin dress. did u go to dillards yet?


iiimmmmmm tttyyyyppppiinnngggg iiinnnnn sssssllloooooooooowwwww mooooottttiiiioooonnnnnnn.... Ccccaaaannnnn yooooouuuuuuu ttteeeeeellllllllllll?
I'm justt that bored. Lol.. I was thinking of dory for some reason

  • Monica!!!!!!!!!!! I mis you!! I think I'm fucked up! I can't wait il I cine back so we can get ducked up together!! Ur like my sister amdbi totally miss you bitch(: hehe. Haha.
    Love ur sister frim another mister(:
    Live ya tons an tons.
    And I still can't believe Bryan and. Phillip are going out thts ficki g crazy.


  • to kp:


  • they arent dork. they just were making out ha
    god you are fucked up lol lucky
    and yes i cant wait either hahahahaha

    Hahaha I know right. And it's like a girls night. Lmfao. And I know ur broke hahaha but I love u anywas. I dnt care if ur rich or not, ur so like my best friend. Now Janet on the other hand would never be friends with someone who is broke or as ugly as her dumb ass. Fuck her and I didn't want her to come o ny. I dnt even think ild pick her up from the airport he can just fucking sit there. All she does is talk crap and she even talk crap on me I know she does. Fucking skank
    god i love you betch! haha
    what game do u suck at anyways?
    Lol, no!! They all went to sleep cause thy have work at like 5 and 6 am tomarrow!
    And ohh
    Ohh so u know how whenever I'm drunk I always tell you "your brothers so cute.. Blah blah blah, haha, well tell me why I had a dream about him the other night. And I swear I'm not obsessive lol cause I haven't thought about him in a long ass time. But he was all sweet to in the beginning but it turned out that he was using me to get to someone else. I'm not sure who though. It was so weird.
    wtf.. you dont tell me that ever.. maybe like on time! jr right!? ha he just called to! lol wtf?>!!
  • kp:

  • Hahaha, I think I'm becomminh use to it,, a little mre. But I'm not going crazy bad and I gotta get up in the morning ughhh.


  • "one night while u were sleeping.. I put myself in side u mouth and took a picture"

    moniiicä says
    To: kp (
    hahahhahahahahahahahah lol
    Lol it's cool. And yeahh not the smartest choice of my life. But apparently he was drunk and high too so I didn't seem to stupid.. I kinda regret it at this moment lol. It started with heyy then ended I guss about me talking about brooklyn. Seriously WTF? He aslo said "I knew u were digging me from the first time I met you" and "I were thinking you should be a model" and " we should chill next time you come" omg talk about akward the next time I see him.
    ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah so what are you doing? im at home fuckling bored out of my mind.. janets not texting back neither is philip so im guessing theyre together with their asain friends that i dont like.. cause their losers... seriously.. youd think id be out since i got my car and everything but nope.. just sitting here and have been sitting here. uggh.
    Wait wait... I'm not done hahahahahahgagagagsgagahahahajahahajahaahahahaha lmfao!!!
    I just watched it. I've seen part of it before a long ass time ago. Bu it is so totally us! Lmfao. I love it. I laughed so fuckin hard..
    Umm well I cut my foot earlier and my shoes filling up with blood Ima go.
    Hahahahaha peace er.
    Godzillia is coming!!!!
    Peace for reals whore
    LMFAOUIDMF-laugh my fucking ass off until i die mutha fucker. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
    you gotta love the bus right(: hahaha
    well actually i hated that peice of shit giant yellow thing. it shoulda crashed.
    "we are crashing. we we are crashing"... lol just thought i'ld through that in there.
    Since I have graduated high school, I have been told the same thing everyday. "What are you going to do with your life?"    They have tried to ask it calmly, sternly, and have even screamed it at my face; but no matter the approach they take I still never have the answer that they want.  For nine months i have been searching my brain to the deepest corners trying to figure it out they way they want me too.  This weight has been sitting on my shoulder dragging me down since the moment i walked across the stage on graduation day.

    That was until a few days ago. It was about four a.m. and still completely dark out except for one street light.  I was sitting outside on a stone bench and could feel the cool California air surround me, the cigarette between my fingers, and when I looked down I just watched the smoke slowly rise from it.  Then I put the cigarette between my lips, inhaled, and thought about how the cancer stick was slowly killing me.  Most would be horrified of the thought, but I decided to live for now not the future cause that is all we truely have. Then a smile came to my lips.  I was happy.  I could feel the cold mental of my rings and the warm wool of my black plaid jacket. My feet were cozy inside of my brown cowboy boots.  I would not want to change anything about this moment.  It was perfect. 

    Then to my left was my best friend who I have known for about 5 years now. We met as cheerleaders freshman year of high school.  She has beautiful long brown hair and tan skin.  She is the most honest person and stands by me no matter the situation.  She is someone you can trust everything too.